Space Theme Park: Explore the Universe
This project is proposal of a Theme-Park with a similar concept of the Disney-Land's space attractions. The Space-Theme-Park would be the first of its kind in the world.
The concept will be planned for construction in a host country after agreement.
The main purpose of the project is to inspire the visitors to look for real solutions for the theoretical Warp-Drive.
By going through deep theoretical concepts we strive to realize Warp-Travel as a breakthrough technology.
The Space-Theme-Park offers entertainment and learning experience through living the attraction of life in space.
Did you wish to be there in Star-Trek for real? Among the crew of the enterprise space ship? Did you ever dream to be an astronaut?
The Space-Theme-Park offers it's visitors to have that as a realistic experience.
Live the real experience of Space-Travel. Explore the Universe with no limits. Travel to the furthest recent discovered planets.
Explore the Milky-Way Galaxy and get to know our vast universe with a unique experience.
Our proposed Space Theme-Park which may be established in the corresponding host country, will offer a unique opportunity for enthusiasts in Space Science and Technology seeking an out-of-this-world adventure.
Experience a wide range of programs and activities, all within state-of-the-art facilities and supervised by a dedicated team ensuring both fun and safety. Come and be part of the legacy.